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This highly toughened resin is formulated with the most advanced epoxy chemistry. Optimized for structurally efficient structure with excellent resistance to impact and delamination growth under fatigue. Designed to provide excellent cure robustness and cure stability. A 177°C (350°F) curing toughened resin system with a service temperature range of -59°C t o 107°C (-75°F t o 225°F). Typical applications for CYCOM® EP2190 include primary and secondary aircraft structures. Recommended for both thin and t hick structures.
CYCOM® EP2190 is available with carbon reinforcement in unidirectional tape, woven fabric and slit tape forms.
The following products are compatible and are suggested for use with CYCOM® EP2190: FM® 309-1 adhesives, FusePly™100, Surface Master® 905.

Features and Benefits
Minimum 15+ days handling l ife at 21°C (70°F)
12 months storage at -12°C (10°F)
Controlled f low
Very high i mpact resistance
177°C (350°F) autoclave cure t emperature
Excellent cured surface finish
Good for multiple cure cycles
NCAMP database i n development
Thermo-chemical modelling in Raven Software
High-rate manufacturing-ready with automated processing and reduced cure cycle time

Product variants

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Segments Applications End uses
Advanced Air Mobility Air Taxis / Heavy Goods Cargos Structures
Rotocraft Fixed Primary Structures
Defense Rotorcrafts
Fixed Wing Aircraft Structures Fuselages

Processing Method

  • Autoclave

Chemical categories

Chemical category Chemical family Chemical product
Composite materials Thermoset composite Epoxy

Region of availability

  • Africa & Middle East
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • North America

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