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Rhovanil: a lot of variety chocolate pralines

Rhovanil® Mass Balance Offer

The Vanillin reference in the Food industry

Mass Balance Rhovanil® Vanillin to lower your carbon footprint

Consumers increasingly look for products with a lower impact on the environment and containing natural or biobased ingredients. Syensqo can help Industrial players to support such demand while reaching their own sustainable development ambitions (Scope 3*) and increase their circular business.

What is the Mass Balance concept?

The mass balance concept has become a globally acknowledged industry standard that provides a defined set of rules for tracking and tracing the content of circular and renewable feedstock in materials and end products. 

In the mass balance approach, renewable resources derived from organic waste, crops or vegetable oils are used as feedstock in the very first steps of chemical production. The bio-based feedstock amount is then allocated to specific products downstream by means of a verifiable bookkeeping method:

EN-Mass Balance Infographic 2023


As a result, users of mass balance certified materials can claim a reduced carbon footprint for their formulations, and brand owners can document the enhanced sustainability toward consumers.

A mass balance approach can be a transition in your roadmap or a more lasting solution: 

  • Grow companies’ circular business thanks to renewable feedstocks.
  • Support sustainability goals towards carbon footprint reduction.
  • Reduce the consumption of fossil-based feedstocks.


Rhovanil® MB, the first ISCC PLUS certified mass balance vanillin

Rhovanil® MB is the first certified vanillin based on mass balance standards. It is produced at Saint-Fons in France and has been accredited to comply with the mass balance accounting regime of the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS system*.

ISCC Plus certification confirms the controlled use and traceability of renewable feedstock in the company's vanillin, which helps brand owners meet the growing demand for more sustainable and circular ingredients as they strive to minimize their environmental impact, reduce fossil-based raw materials consumption and carbon footprint.

Rhovanil® MB can be used as an immediate drop-in replacement of incumbent products. No investment is needed in storage or production.

The replacement of primary fossil resources by mass balance certified renewable feedstock aligns with the Syensqo One Planet roadmap to continuously improve the sustainability of Syensqo’s operations while also helping customers reduce their indirect emissions from their suppliers.*

As part of this journey, Rhovanil® MB can make a significant contribution to the efforts of major players in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry seeking carbon neutrality by 2040 or earlier.

* Scope 1 refers to direct emissions from in-house production processes, Scope 2 to indirect emissions from purchased energy, and Scope 3 to all other indirect emissions from upstream and downstream sources, such as material supplies, packaging and transportation. Within the framework of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP),  Syensqo’s own operations to reduce carbon footprint include the Scope 1 and 2 while also helping customers reduce their Scope 3 (indirect) emissions.